Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Getting Healthier

OH.MY. GOODNESS im so over being busy, we have hit the ground running in my noisy household and im not liking it at all!

I'm struggling in keeping on top of thing with my new job and raising 4 children but I'm so blessed i have an awesome hubby that is helping me plod along.

the quiet times at work Ive been drawing new designs and jotting down ideas for Hourglass and 1 of them was to blog more ...i love blogs, i love getting ideas from others and making them suite my family {especially organising ones}

Recently i decided i was so busy, tried, and cranky that the only way  i was going to survive was to get healthier {note i didn't say loose weight}

So i think i might just share my journey here and keep myself accountable.

We have settled into our new home beautifully and have started to plan the renovations needed to make this beautiful old queenslander shine like she has done in the past and thats all very exciting.

But im wondering

What would you like to see/read?

Fashion tips, recipes general life stuff shoot me some ideas so i don't bore you to death ;) 

ps Our house is called Roseville  very fitting as both myself and my husband love roses, we decided to plant out the front yard with roses to symbolise this and our very first rose flowered the other day

this one is special, my family decided to get a yellow rose dedicated to all the children battling cancer and in memory of those that lost the fight.